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Christine Dykstra Spender | 1931 - 2015 | Obituary
With great sadness, the family of Christine Dykstra Spender announces her passing on October 13, 2015. This came after a long and frustrating struggle with Alzheimer’s. However we take comfort that she has gone to her final resting place in heaven.
Christine was incredibly loved and cherished by her children David (Tracy) Dykstra of Edmonton, Alberta Canada, John (Kathy) Dykstra, Langley, BC, Canada, Karen (Jim) Dean, Byron Centre, Michigan and Michael (Sue) Dykstra, Ionia, Michigan. Grandchildren Ashleigh (Richie) Lipton, Jacob, Zachary and Matthew Dykstra, Edmonton, AB; John (Meaghan) Dykstra, Langley, BC, Michelle (Stuart) Doyle, Port Moody,BC, and Jennifer Dykstra, Langley, BC; Donielle (Jon) Austin and Heather (Cassie) Dean, Rockford, MI; Michael Dykstra, Chicago, IL and Michelle (Martin) Remelts, Rockford, MI. Christine had eleven great-grandchildren, Jacob and Max Austin, Parker and Case Doyle, Amarah and Gracie Remelts, Jolene and Madeline Dykstra, Oliver Dean, Sadie and Duke Lipton. She is also survived by her brothers Barney, Bill (Lorraine), Ben (Dorothy) and Al (Judy) and many nieces and nephews. Her first husband Rev. Jacob Dykstra predeceased Christine in 1987; her second husband Marvin Spender (2014); her sister Stella DeBoer and brother-in-law, John Deboer. A memorial service will be held at Munster Christian Reformed Church, 214 Ridge Rd., Munster, IN, on Saturday October 24, 2015 at 11:00 am.
Christine was an incredibly kind, loving and forgiving person. She often said, “treat people with love and kindness and you will get love and kindness backâ€. She never missed an opportunity to tell her children she was proud of them. Even after the Alzheimer’s had ravished her mind she remained a loving person who had a ready smile and told all those around her how wonderful they were and that she loved them. It is these qualities that we will miss most. She will forever be a daily memory in our hearts and minds and we are incredibly thankful to have had such a wonderful mother and grandmother.
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