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Haije Annes (Henry) Postma Bareld Oldenburger Roel Annes Postma Gosse Annes Postma Lubbe Annes Postma Reintje Annes Postma Haije Halbes Oldenburger Haije Halbes Oldenburger Jan Annes Postma Gosse Annes Postma Lubbe Annes Postma

Surhuizum 18 February 1893 pages 1-2

Dear Children (Alex: Yes, capitals, and much more formal) I let you know that we are all in quite good health and wish the same to you.
I have put myself to write you, which we should have done already, but one thing came after another. We have written Jan that we would like to visit him and whether he would like that. Then we waited for his reply first and when that arrived it seemed not a good idea to him first because of the cost and secondly because of the water management of his lands that was not okay. Then B. Oldenburger came and he said that you and he discussed that if we would like to visit you, than that would be alright, but you have given him two letters for us in which we would read about the surcumstances. (?) But they were in his clothes and they were left behind. Now they were lost for almost three weeks and now that we got the letters after all, they tell us nothing.
That is why we did not write you before Haaye and I am very sorry for that

for time flies. It is a chaotic situation at our place.
We are now decided to come and visit you, me, Mother, Roel, Gosse and Willem. Lubbe is drafted (Alex: into military service). Reintje en Haye Oldenburger will when in good health take the boat to Jan at February 25th. How would you feel about us visiting?
Mayb we shall wait making preparations untill you can write us back, but it is taking long enough, because the boat is sometimes booked full in advance for a month.
We have almost sold the place to Gosse and Lubbe and we cannot work the land and not even look around for another place. Recently I wanted to buy the house and woods, but mother would want it. But now that we are leaving this place and I am sorry for that. Mother would have had it easier and it would suit her.
Can you host us at your place or maybe get us someplace to stay? YOu know the ways over there, don't you Haije.

Eigenaar/BronBonnie Myers
Datum18 februari 1893
Latitude (Breedte)53.2064012
Longitude (Lengte)6.1789425
BestandsnaamSurhuizum 2-18-1893 Page 1.png
Dimensies x
Verbonden metHaije Annes (Henry) Postma

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