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About Karl Erik

After leaving Borgå Lyceum in 1914, the then nineteen-year-old priest son entered the Art Association's drawing school's mechanical building and decoration line at
Atheneum, in Helsinki. In 1916 Karl Erik Ã…berg joined the Swedish Technical Agency

In: sta year grade. In connection with the great upheavals in which the then Grand Duchy of Finland was embroiled, and after his declaration of independence in 1917, his studies were interrupted, only to resume in 1919.
Karl Erik Ã…berg participated in the Freedom War, which broke out in 1918, where he worked within

Sigurdskåren in Kyrkslätt. He participated in the battles at Sigurds, Ingels and Smedsby.
KEÃ… belonged to those who, in an attempt to conquer the fortress Makilo, outside Porkkala, on the ice were captured, by the red, and interned on water and bread in the Reallyceet school building in Kronohagen, Helsinki. In 1919, KEÃ… worked at Helsinki Vita Garde, where he, as a sergeant, handled telecommunications and signalist assignments at Sveaborg. After completing his studies at the Swedish Technical Agency in 1917, he resumed these, on September 15, 1919. He received graduation marks from the engineering department of the engineering department, 31.10.1922. Between the years 1926-1930, KEÃ… followed various courses at the Polytechnic. During his active working life, engineer Ã…berg was employed, among other things. for the following companies:

1921-Fitter- STATE'S RAILWAYS 1922-Moror probes - AHJON KONEPAJA 1923-1925 Work leader - MASKIN & BRO 1926- Technical advisor - MEKANIKUS AB 1925-1926 Work leader - SAFETY CUTTING ARMS 1927-1929 ABSTRACT
1929-1930 Engineer - HELSINGIN PUTKITYÖ AB 1930-1945 Controller - STATENS GEVÄRSFABRIK 1933-1939 Technical leader - SISÄSUOMEN VESI- JA LÄMPÖ OY 1950-1967 Controller - R. NORDSTRÖM & CO, in LOVISA As an independent entrepreneur, Jyväk Putkityö Åberg & Mäkinen 1939-1952 and later in the Putkityöliike- Åberg-Plumbing business, in Pernå, in which capacity he carried out water and heating installations in many of Nylan municipalities' general buildings, such as municipal buildings, churches, etc. Engineer Åberg participated in the winter war, as well as in the continuing war. during the fighting in Suomussalmi. His military degree was Field Worm. Fortress signs and medals: 1918 MANNERHEIM - Memorial War Medal with rose and buckle 1918 SIGURDSKÅREN - Memorial medal one over the battles at Svidja and Sigurds 1918 VITA GARDET - Memorial medal one over Helsinki inauguration 1940 MANNERHEIM - commemorative medal over 1939-1940 year over the 1941-1945 war 1967 VÅDDSTIFTELSEN - The Blue Cross Foundation's Blue Cross 1970 LÄMPÖ- JA VESIJOHTOTEKNILLINEN YHDISTYS - The sign of merit in Silver 1973 CENTRALHANDELSKAMAREN - Business recognition for 30 years as an independent entrepreneur in the Swedish Ministry of Commerce in Sweden. The Operational Engineers' Association in Finland, and within the Technical Association in Finland. As a personality, Karl Erik Åberg was a bitch. In addition to hunting and fishing, his broad sphere of interest included an all-inclusive craze for reading literature on history, religious history, metaphysics, myth and mysticism. Even in the fall of his age, he was a source of inspiration to many, and he gladly debated with like-minded seekers, on the great issues of life. He had a tremendous memory, unaffected by his high age, and a finesse in his thinking that could be called overthrow, if it was more widely known. He called himself a world citizen and considered that fanaticism within the various ideologies posed the greatest danger to the world. A FREEDOM OF LIBERTY HAS BEEN OVER

Verbonden metKarl Erik (Broders) Ã…berg

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