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About Karl August

Church pastor in Kyrkslätt in the years 1914-1918. Became a student of the Swedish Normallyceum, in Helsinki 1885. Graduated theological degree on December 15, 1888, in Porvoo. Ordained 2.1.1889. The ordination was executed by Bishop C.H. Alopaeus, assisted by the Diocesan priest, Doctor Lindelöf, and the priests Lyra and Nordström. Was ordained vicar in Helsinge, (so independently written down in the Matric of priests who lived with Mrs. Kristina Rehnström, in Porvoo). Entered marriage to Maria Irene Roselius, landowner's daughter from Pernå, Stor- Särklaks, 1894. Mary's grandfather was the pastor of Pernå parish, Gustav Roselius. The gospel calendar from 1924 included the following story about the priest Karl August Åberg, written by E. W-n. "Among such pastors, who have been close to the evangelical movement, also deserve to be remembered by the pastor, Karl August Åberg. Karl August Åberg was born in a poor home in Ingå on September 25, 1864. Many external relations pointed to agriculture as his course of life, yet he did not devote himself to it, for his mind was reading, and he began his schooling in the Swedish Normal in Helsinki, but had to contend with great financial difficulties and lived in poverty and deprivation, when, for their charity, the well-known spouses, sea captain Erik Wilhelm Grotell and his wife Fredrika, heard about his distressed situation and accepted him. their remaining school time a home with them and thus could continue under more favorable conditions Karl August Åberg came into close contact with religious endeavors of this kind in this home, which was one of the central curing forces of evangelical activity during this time in Helsinki. Becoming a student in 1885, it was clear to Åberg that he would devote himself to the priesthood. After 3-4 years of study, he passed the theological diploma degree in late 1888 with the word "laudature" and was ordained a priest in Porvoo, January 2, 1889. After serving a short time as vicar of the church in Helsinge, he was appointed to Pernå the same year, where he remained until 1894, partly as vicar of the church, and partly as tf vicar. Here, with zeal and interest, he devoted himself to the demanding task of the soul-keeper. He diligently traveled around the expansive parish along with associated chapel Liljendal and gathered crowds of listeners around the word of God. Apart from the oral word, he also wanted to spread the same in writing. In particular, he gained the opportunity to distribute Fjellstedt's Bible work, which he ordered in large batches from Sweden and sold in the parishes. While traveling in Pernå and Liljendal, you can still find copies of this image in many homes. There he also sold the Lutheran Gospel Society's writings diligently. Many older people still remember these areas with love of Åberg's blessed activities. In the years 1894-1896 Karl August Åberg was vicar of the Kangasniemi parish, and the years 1896-1898 t.f. church pastor in Porvoo city and country parishes. He held his first regular priestly service as chaplain in Tusby in 1898-1914. Here he spent most of his activities as a priest and faithfully performed the ministry of a gospel preacher. During his stay in Tusby, Åberg was a member of the board of the Lutheran Evangelical Society from 1899 to 1905. Although he lived in the countryside, he could regularly attend meetings of the board because of the short distance. On May 1, 1914, Åberg joined the church service in Kyrkslatt. With conscientiousness and love, he began the exercise of his priestly activity, which was, however, soon disturbed by the anxieties, distresses and shortcomings of the great world war and its consequences, which, as you know, had a detrimental effect on the life of the parishes even in our country. However, an insidious lung disease soon reduced his ability to work and forced him in early 1918 to discontinue his activities and seek cure for his illness at the Naamala sanatorium. However, he did not regain his health. His hourglass had run out and he fell asleep during the Red Rebellion on February 16 of that year. At the same time as Åberg on the sanatorium managed to receive death as the liberator from all earthly distress and strife, his wife sat like the prisoner of the Red Insurgent at Kyrkslatt station. A few days later released, Mrs Åberg was allowed to bring her husband's cold dust to Tusby, after great difficulties, where he was then immersed in the earth's care during this difficult period of time, alongside his few years-old deceased mother, who had long had his home at his parsonage, and a previously deceased child. The burial took place after the uprising in May of that year. Karl August Åberg was a humble and unassuming man. He did not look for places of worship or reputation for people. In silence he faithfully served his Lord. Despite his humility, however, he was a character man who did not deviate from his beliefs and the principles he considered to be the right ones. He was not a speaker with brilliant external gifts, but his preaching testified to deep personal experience of the salvation in Jesus Christ. His special gift as a soulmate was a rare ability to "speak in time" to the sick and suffering. Städse willing to serve, he was always ready to travel on sick visits to the congregation whenever he was called. As stated above, Åberg was a warm friend of the Lutheran Gospel Society and its endeavors. For a long period of years, gospel parties were always celebrated in the congregations where he served. Often he also called to himself the ministers of the association, both priests and laymen, to work in the villages. They always had shelter with him and often he shot them himself with his own horse. Of course, he also always participated in the times of worship. Åberg did not use the pen frequently. However, over the years, he has occasionally included spiritual considerations of him in the Lutheran Gospel Society newspapers and publications. In particular, we remember one of warm gratitude worn life drawing of his foster mother, Captain Fredrika Grotell, which is part of the calendar Hemåt 1908. Karl August Åberg's life work, performed in love, faith and prayer, has certainly not passed without a trace. Its seed has been put into old and young hearts in several of our congregations and has certainly borne fruit for eternal life. The signer of these lines has had the privilege of being prepared by him for his first communion, and has for life received eternal impressions of his factual and heart-teaching. May these lines also be an expression of gratitude to the Lord's blessed moments around the word at Tusby Chapel Farm in the summer of 1903. Next, Karl August Åberg is mourned by wife Mary, born Roselius, and five children. With awe and gratitude, he was remembered by a large crowd of all those who could count him as his soulmate. "

Verbonden metKarl August Ã…berg

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