Naam | Valborg Henriksdotter Fleming | |
Geboren | 1450 | |
Geslacht | Vrouwelijk | |
Overleden | 1555 | |
Patriarch & Matriarch | Olof "Oluf" Fleming, geb. ca. 1235, Danmark (4 x Overgrootvader) Elseby M till Viurila, geb. ca. 1447, ovl. dec 1518, Salo, Varsinais-Suomi (Egentliga Finland), Suomi (Finland) (Leeftijd ~ 71 jaar) (Moeder) |
Persoon-ID | I6716 | Spinder |
Laatst gewijzigd op | 2 sep 2014 |
Vader | Henrik Klasson Fleming, Commander at Viborg, geb. ca. 1420, Suomi (Finland) , ovl. na 1490, Uusikirkko, Björneborg (Pori) , Satakunta, Suomi (Finland) (Leeftijd ~ 71 jaar) Andere partners; Valborg Jönsdotter Tawast | |
Moeder | Elseby M till Viurila, geb. ca. 1447, ovl. dec 1518, Salo, Varsinais-Suomi (Egentliga Finland), Suomi (Finland) (Leeftijd ~ 71 jaar) | |
Gezins-ID | F2108 | Gezinsblad | Familiekaart |
Gezin | H Slang, geb. 1460, ovl. 1519, Turku ( (Leeftijd 59 jaar) | |||||||
Kinderen |
Laatst gewijzigd op | 1 sep 2014 | |||||||
Gezins-ID | F2037 | Gezinsblad | Familiekaart |
Foto's | Fleming | |
Fleming No. 4 Ancient family of nobles. Introduced 1625. Extinct 1825-01-20. The family has branched out into the baronial families Fleming af Lais and Fleming af Liebelitz. Two members (tab 8 and tab 10) were elevated to baronial status in 1569 and 1561, but their branches became extinct before the founding of the House of Knights. The genus is probably where the name suggests of Flemish (Flemish) origin, but may also have come from the province of Fläming in Brandenburg. The alleged descent from the Flaminiers in Rome must be banished to the realm of the saga. The name occurs except in Denmark and Sweden at the same time in Scotland, Pomerania, Poland and other countries, and was carried by unrelated families, carrying different weapons. A Claus Fleming, named between 1331 and 1354, who was a bailiff in Barth in Pomerania, may have been the father of the family's oldest known ancestor, the knight Peder Fleming, and in that case the grandfather of the lawyer Klas Fleming. In an old genealogy in the Rålamb collection in the Royal Library, this is said to have been "come from Pomerania" |
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